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  SKIP ALIAS        <nWorkArea> case mis-translated.                       ~

  Clipper Version  1.03 dtd 09/15/90.

  Problem Statement

  SKIP ALIAS (nWorkArea) is translated by the pre-processor to:
            __dbSkip( alias (nWorkArea) )  which is incorrect.


  Ordering of SKIP translations in STD.CH

  Work Around

  Change the order of the SKIP translations in MYNAME.CH as follows:
  // old
  // #command SKIP ALIAS <a>       =>  <a> -> ( __dbSkip(1) )
  // #command SKIP <n> ALIAS <a>   =>  <a> -> ( __dbSkip(<n>) )
  // #command SKIP <n>             =>  __dbSkip( <n> )
  // #command SKIP                 =>  __dbSkip(1)

  // new
  #command SKIP <n>                =>  __dbSkip( <n> )
  #command SKIP ALIAS <a>          =>  <a> -> ( __dbSkip(1) )
  #command SKIP <n> ALIAS <a>      =>  <a> -> ( __dbSkip(<n>) )
  #command SKIP                    =>  __dbSkip(1)

  SKIP ALIAS (nWorkArea) will then be correctly translated to:
         (nWorkArea) -> ( __dbSkip(1) )

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson